Reducing Environmental Impact

Reducing Environmental Impact

To ensure that the range commits to sustainability, all products were developed to be concentrated, waterless, alcohol-free and cruelty free.

In support of the environment we created a 5R’s Philosophy – Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Recycle and Rethink.


As a result of this, over 60% of our product packaging is in glass and the remaining is Reusable, Refillable and Recyclable plastic.


Instead of a water-based formulation, our products are formulated fully with botanical extracts and oils.

This has a range of implications on our environment besides reducing our water usage.

  • Water based products require the use of synthetic preservatives to keep bacteria out. A waterless product can be preserved with more earth friendly preservatives.
  • With a pure and concentrated formula, the products are also long lasting. We have therefore been able to minimise packaging consumption by over 50% as opposed to the industry benchmarks for similar products.