Our Impact

Our Impact

We are driven by our desire to transform the communities that work closely with us to create our products, reduce our impact on the environment, and educate the public about sustainability.


Our relationships with our coconut farmers and all-women team are direct and personal.

It’s a way to ensure that they are earning fair wages and receiving the kind of training that will serve them beyond the work at Coco Veda.

For us, it’s a small way to give them a real chance to reinvent a better future for their families.

Our Earth is our home. Everything that we take from it has to be replaced.

That is why we are working hard to ensure that we use packaging that will do minimal harm to our environment and reduce our water usage in our products.

In order to see tangible and real change, we believe that we cannot be the only ones championing the cause for our world.

That is why we aim to build awareness about sustainability from every touchpoint, all the way from our consumers to our business partners and investors.
